Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Kite Runner pt2

Hassan avoids Amir and spends most of his time in bed. not wanting to be around anyone .Amir wonders if Hassan had seen him that day Baba soon shows alot of interest in Amir, even taking him to the movies . Amir hopes it would be just the two of them but Baba invites three van loads of friends to go along. Amir cannot enjoy any of this because he feels guilty. Amir becomes an insomniac as a result of his guilt. suddenly Hassan attempts to be friendly with Amir again as if he has forgivin him, but Amir pushes him away a likely punishment to himself. Later Amir angers Baba by asking if he ever thought about getting new servants. Their relationship soon deteriorates.
Amir tries to start a pomegranate fight with Hassan, but Hassan will not fight back. He takes a pomegranate and smashes it into his own head instead of hitting Amir. This shows Hassan's loyalty to Amir. Which kills Amir inside. since he could not show the sameBaba throws a huge thirteenth birthday party for Amir. Assef presents Amir with a gift- a biography of Hitler. I forshadow that this is a dangerous sign to come.

THE Kite runner

At the incident that occurred at the end of the kite tournament to Hassan, Amir cant live with himself cant sleep cant look Hassan in the eye ashamed of his own cowardly way that he didn't help his friend in his time of need he see the incident over in over in his head. Amir, who witnesses this tragedy, runs away, without attempting to help Hassan. He carries this guilt with him for the rest of his life Forever hunted by his own cowardly choice.
Will amir ever get over the guilt he faces ?

Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Prisioners of Panic

My final blog is on this Sunday's January 6, 2008 Opinion Editorial section. The tone is informative and annoyed, so keep the tone in mind as you read in order to fully respond.
The piece published in the Los Angeles Times "Prisoners of Panic" written by Joe Domanick discusses the situation that California is now facing due to the drastically overcrowded prison system. In this article, Domanick points that the media hype and political pandering that started with the crack scare of the 1980's has backfired. Backfired because of the quick to action to be tough on crime especially in the poverty stricken communities congress became overly tough on crack crimes for fear it that if not stop would spread to their influential communities. what should have minimum sentences if convicted for crack possession would for example get you as much time and having been convicted of possessing tons of pure cocaine (coke). Simply put, you would make more money and get the same amount of time if you were a coke dealer rather than a small time crack dealer.
In fact, in the 1990's congress enacted the three strike laws to show that they were tough on crimes. The three strike law simple stated that if you were convicted of three felony crimes no matter how petty it is you would be sentence to twenty five years to life. Prosecutors ultimately began to threw thousands of people in prison sentencing them for twenty five years to life without weighing the punishment to the crime thus causing a mad flux's of prison overcrowding. A prison system that has California's Governor Schwarzenegger contemplating the idea of letting 22,000 thousand about 13% of the inmate population out early. An idea that hopefully won't repeat what has happen in the past, politician's panicking to pass ill thought out bad laws that will ruin many young lives.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

THe Roots of Fear

First I would like to apologize for the late blogging, I been sick over the vacation and wrote this while sitting in the waiting room
The Roots of Fear article was written in Newsweek December 2007 issue by Sharon Begley.
In Sharon Begley's shocking and intriguing article The Root of Fear, she examines and explains the disturbing yet politically well crafted ways politicians use fear to do two things: 1 sway the voters and 2 gain the upper hand over their campaign opponents.
This is nothing new to the political world says Begley in fact she quotes form the 18 century theorist "no passion so effectively robs the the mind of all its powers like feelings and/or logical reasoning than the passion of fear." the passion of fear that has been embedded in our brains since the evolution of man is a way to guide and control the unconscious mind. Furthermore, Ms. Begley continues to point out the most important aspect of fear and its evolutionary progress is that over time, the human brain has not only evolved to fear the unconscious mind but also fear the conscious mind which is willing to act upon and exploits the fear of humans for personal gain. Such conscious acts and exploits of fear like suicide airplane bombers, or being robbed by gun or knifes are only a few examples.
Finally, Begley says that the image of fear is essential to any politicians campaign whether they use fear in extreme measures to shock or scare the voters into voting for them or use fear subtly like global warming (the fear of the unknown) to persuade voters into voting for them. Either way, Begley believes it is the root of fear that guides and controls the human minds and/or actions.

Traffic fines & enforcement practices bring new meaning to highway robbery

In the regular issue of car&driver ''The Steering Column'' section written by Csaba Csere, he angerly speaks of the outragious traffic fines being imposed and forced on citizen around the nation. Csere pooints out to what he as well as others call a bad attempt toget revenue in a city.
While Csere believes something needs to be done to reduce traffic voilations and potential traffic deaths the escalation in revenue harvested from traffic ticket and various serious traffic violations fines is nothing short of hightway robbery.
With examples of driving 20 mph over the speed limit cost you $1250 in virina and in california as first time drunk driver you can get ready to shell out around $8500 dollars.
At the end of Csere commentary he humorly suggest that if the escaluting finr increse the states might as well swith to the '' under-the-table system'' of collecting traffic fines '' Afterall when you get pulled over south of the borde and hand cash to the federale asking him to deliver the cash to the judge.Csere end his commentary withat least everyone clearly knows what going on.

Monday, December 17, 2007