Sunday, December 30, 2007

Traffic fines & enforcement practices bring new meaning to highway robbery

In the regular issue of car&driver ''The Steering Column'' section written by Csaba Csere, he angerly speaks of the outragious traffic fines being imposed and forced on citizen around the nation. Csere pooints out to what he as well as others call a bad attempt toget revenue in a city.
While Csere believes something needs to be done to reduce traffic voilations and potential traffic deaths the escalation in revenue harvested from traffic ticket and various serious traffic violations fines is nothing short of hightway robbery.
With examples of driving 20 mph over the speed limit cost you $1250 in virina and in california as first time drunk driver you can get ready to shell out around $8500 dollars.
At the end of Csere commentary he humorly suggest that if the escaluting finr increse the states might as well swith to the '' under-the-table system'' of collecting traffic fines '' Afterall when you get pulled over south of the borde and hand cash to the federale asking him to deliver the cash to the judge.Csere end his commentary withat least everyone clearly knows what going on.

1 comment:

Selene Millan said...

thats outrageous!! $8500 for drunk driving? thats tooo much! they might as well take your car away! i mean, i dont think people really mean to excede the speed limit on highways.....well maybe some do, but i think the majority dont.
good article! :D